ETAP Training
ETAP-T is an annual training aiming to develop a comprehensive airlift training opportunity within the European setting. Training objectives are based on national training requirements and activities. The outcome can be called training ‘à la carte’ that has been designed to optimize multi-threat, advanced serials, which are challenging for the operational crews. A backbone of the training since the begin in 2012 is the strong support by the European Air Transport Command (EATC). The project itself runs over two weeks, providing not only training opportunities for aircrews but also for Intel, Maintenance, Combined Air Terminal Operations (CATO), Air Mobility Protection Teams (AMPTs) and paratroopers. This complementary training is directed by EATC. ETAP-T (formerly EATT) is now conducted repetitively since 7 years. The next edition of an ETAP-T, which has been organised so far in Spain (2012/13/19), BGR (2014) and three times in PRT (2015 – 17) and HUN (2018) was planned to be executed in June 2020 in Pisa (ITA), but had to be cancelled. Though this tactical training opportunity is open to any crew, we appreciate to welcome already graduated crews from our courses to watch them employing the tactics they have learned.